Tuesday, May 29, 2007


It's Bad Fashion Idea Tuesday at the Razor!

Today I noticed a student who appeared to have sewn fabric onto a short-sleeve shirt to make it into a long-sleeved shirt. Hmmm. It didn't look too good. Perhaps we should have covered that at Fashion Night.

Not that I am immune to such impulses. In college I cut the collars off of several button-down oxfords to make them kind of Nehru-style shirts. It looked odd, especially since there were strings coming up from the rough cut at the seam. I wore the shirts all year, at which point a woman I didn't know well felt sorry for me and bought me a shirt out of pity, thinking I couldn't afford shirts with a collar. While it didn't cause an international incident, I did feel pretty stupid.

And you?

For more "interesting" fashion ideas, see our client's website at: http://www.utilikilts.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=5
I'm pretty sure I've seen that look, the different fabric sewn onto a short-sleeved shirt to make it long-sleeved. On women, that is, or in women's stores for a lot of money. Maybe that guy was just tuning into the zeitgeist, a little bit late and in the opposite gender.
I'm wondering about what Tyd wears. She once mentioned that her glasses are held together with a band-aid.
I pretty much dress like a dork. I went thru an awkward phase for about 22 years where I wore topsiders with a dress. then came the BLACK period where I wore nothing buyt black. I have snapped out of that but I went too far the other wayl. Now I wear like khaki or whatever skirts and wild coloroed shirts. I wear mostly these sandals called KEEN or crocs or loafers. SInce I have been a MOM for threee years most of my clothes are pretty goobered up by the end of the day. Like they will get screwed up on the playground, or he will hug me with crap all over him.. Once he actually wiped his nose on my shirt YUCK!!!!

Like last night we were goofing around and I was tickling him and we were laughing and stuff before bed time He had a blast but got a little shaken up and VOILA next thing I know he is barfing on me. so that was gross.

I have blondish brown hair with like grey in it and I wear no make up. He will be covered in goo and then go MOMMY MOMMY and run up and hug me and then of course I am wearing whatever it is he had all over him so what is the point? For a while I worked with K - 5 kids and I was always covered in glue or puffy paints or whatever.

You should have seen me in high school I was a super dork. Osler's brother knows..... I mean I was a complete goof. I was never really pretty or like one of the beautiful people...or whatever.

I had like frizzy hair and braces and dressed like a dork and just was completely out of it. Until I went to boarding school and met other dorks I felt out of place Now I sort of do not care as much I can dress up when I need to and look nice but my life is very different now.

There are some really stylish moms out there, but I am not one of them but I mean I don't look HOMELESS or something but I just look like a person very much in need of a serious makeover. A lot of moms at my preschool are like you know they look like those newscaster women on TV They have extremely expensive haircuts and blonde dye jobs, they look really together , they have cute stylish clothes with no clue that they have had a kid - usually they have outfits that show their midriffs but in a cute stylish mom way.

They drive a big honking Excursion or Expedition and they have like a $1200 purse. They have lots of cool jewelry and a huge engagement ring and they chew gum and are never without their Starbucks. They are NOT stuck up - they are really nice but they are clearly like the prototypical Supermom.... I am more like the Super Dorkish Mom.

I mean I guess I COULD be more stylish but until he is like 5 or so I really do not have the energy or see the point.
Oh I got my glasses fixed, by the way.
Did Iplaw give you permission to use his photograph in those Bermudas on the Razor?
I believe the photo is of Wes Bowers.
Forty-four hits away from your hundred-thousandth customer -- that's quite an accomplishment for a site allegedly devoted to "[m]usings, rants, recipes, repressed memories, haiku, and drivel."

For what it's worth, the popularity of this blog has both helped humanize professors and change BLS for the better. So thanks for that and congrats.
My worst all time outfit: My second grade school picture. Missing front teeth. Red overalls, red & white checkered western shirt with the pearl snaps and huge 70's collar. Spongy-rollered hair. (I had a hard time deciding between the fluffy Farrah-do or my other 'do, Heidi braids pinned up on top). Sort of Laura Ingalls in a death match with Farmer Brown.

Hideous. My family still laughs about it.
woo-hoo! i'm number 100,000! i can only imagine the fame and fortune that is about to come my way....
Mrs. CL I can totally relate to that picture!!! I have one just like it, but its not from second grade. Its from my wedding. KIDDING!!!!

Good to see you again!!
I look way better than that in a kilt, and have the photos to prove it.

If you email me a photo of you in a kilt, I will post that here on the Razor.

That should guarantee that there is no second 100,000 viewers...
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH that picture of Dick Cheney is freaking HILARIOUS!!!!!!
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