Tuesday, May 01, 2007


If things go well, I'm off to Schiller's Liquor Bar...

I'm still writing away here in the library-- it is going pretty well, though. I'm on the pace I wanted. If I get done in time, my reward is going to be dinner at Schiller's Liquor Bar down on the Lower East Side, which, despite the sound of its name, is a restaurant. One thing that appeals to me about it is that they offer three kind of wines-- Cheap, decent and good. Supposedly, cheap is the best.

Another great thing about being in New York is that I get to see my old friend Greg Tishar, whom I met back before time began (pretty much)-- working on Senator Paul Simon's 1988 presidential campaign. He's the kind of guy who knows what's what in NYC.

they have that kind og good cheap wine here in ORegon too, Its called Charles Shaw or "Two Buck Chuck." they sell it at Trader Joe's which is like this organic sort of grocery store... similar to Whole Paycheck but with weirder stuff.

I have never left Trader Joe's without spending less than like $72 dollars. I swear I mean the other day I got some fake sushi (which Spencer later fed to the dog ) and some hummus and some other stuff - and some flax seed and soy tortilla chips with organic salsa and some pomegranate juice whatever and it was I swear $72. Same thing again today!!! You go in there for one thing and come out with $72 of like organic whatever.

SO Osler have fun at the Liquor bar... but why do they call it that? I mean doesn't the word BAR indicate liquor?> I guess there are cigar bars, oxygen bars, bar exams, prison bars.
Will you be wearing a bow-tie to dinner?

Tyd -

Here on the East Coast, because of the freight involved, we have to call it "Three Buck Chuck." My wife lives at Trader Joe's - she knows the Hawaiian shirt-clad check out folks by name...
Iplawwife is also a TJ's afficianado. She was ecstatic when she realized we'd bought a house within walking distance of Trader Joe's, Whole Foods and a Latin market. Not to mention the Taco Bell.
My husband Bill is convinced that Trader Joe's, Whole Foods and IKEA are all stores that are like WOMEN MAGNETS... Like most women feel COMPELLED to go there, sometimes just because they are BORED. He was discussing this theory with some of our neighbors, well, mostly other men. They all agreed that they can find nothing really very interesting in any of these three places, yet their wives could spend HOURS there.

I love Whole Paycheck especially their deli counter which has this really great orzo salad. However, I think both WF and TJ are a bit over the top you know?? I mean like EVERYTHING is all organic and all this and its almost like a joke after a while and while they profess to be so healthy and great they STILL have all of those tempting chocolates and gummy stuff by the register you know? Yes the gummy bears are from like Switzerland and the chocolate is Belgian, but COME ON!!!! They are NOT there by accident!!! I guess even the Beautiful people get the munchies in the checkout lane...

I like to go to these stores a little but for the most part I am a goofy regular old grocery store person. I like the crabby cashiers in red vests, trying so hard to be nice. I like that they have aisles and aisles of NORMAL stuff, a kind of comforting mediocrity, and that no one and I mean NO ONE who works there has ever heard of TAHINI and they certainly cannot tell you where it is. Three different people told me three different aisles to ck and one thought it was a fish. I like that their idea of sophistication is that they have a Starbucks RIGHT IN THE STORE, and the fact that you can buy a glow in the dark basketball, some house paint, underwear and stewed tomatoes all in one visit. I like that there are overpriced nail clippers and tons of horrible chocolate and the Weekly World News in the checkout line.

I don't know why... I mean I grew up in the Pointes.. I should be all into Trader Joe's... My mother practically MOVED IN to Nino Salvaggio's... a kind of Early Trader Joe's in MI. I guess I am just OVER IT or something. I don't know what my problem is.. Maybe I have just lived in Canby too long
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