Wednesday, May 30, 2007


And I didn't think I was making a difference...

For those of you who have been wondering about how my work on the narcotics sentencing guidelines fits in at Baylor, check this out-- we're now promoting ourselves as turning out crack lawyers!

Of course, lots of schools are producing crack lawyers these days (given the number of crack prosecutions, it is a big part of the market). However, only Baylor is specializing in turning out crack lawyers in kilts.

Carver, does your kilt have some kind of flask with it? And was this some kind of subversive prom outfit?

Also, can we perhaps get a photo of Mrs. CL in a kilt? And I'm pretty sure I've already seen Mr. CL in a kilt someplace...

Yea! The self-promotion was needed.
Judging by the quotation marks, I'm guessing the author wrote, "No pun intended," then went back and deleted the phrase after realizing he or she certainly did intend the always clever double entendre.

If you're like me, which you probably aren't, the last time you heard crack used as an adjective you were watching Inspector Gadget.
In response to your first question, a flask is always necessary for a Scotsman. I have one similar to this but with my (the appropriate) family crest. Also necessary is a small knife on the right heel and the ability to answer inquiries from blushing women (and a few creepy guys).

Addressing the later question, yes and no. This particular photo was taken at a fellow Baylorite's (Baylorian? BL'er? What is it?) wedding. It's the only formal attire I have.
Umm, I'm pretty sure I've never actually worn a kilt. This last week I've been sporting pretty much the Hillcrest-mandated navy blue scrubs, but that's a different story. But thanks, I think.

I could totally go with some plaid flip-flops, Burberry, too predictable, pink & green, maybe? Monogrammed, definitely!
So, Mr. CL wears the kilt in your family?

From your response to Tyd under the post below, it sounded like you liked wearing a smocked and monogrammed kilt, but perhaps you meant for one of the 18 children...
Although I have not yet gotten the visual on the CL in a kilt, that does not mean he does not have one! If he is inclined to wear said skirt, and not chase it, he may do so! He definitely has the legs!

The coordinating plaid monogrammed outfits for the whole fam-damily might be interesting, a la Von Trapp. Or, as Hank would say, "Or not, mommy. No deal."
I wore a kilt every day for a year.
To one of the three high schools I attended.

It was black watch plaid. And it was Beautiful.
How much do I adore you, Lee? A lot. I demand more kilt pictures from the Razor's male readership. And maybe we can finally get to the guys wearing nail polish and/or eyeliner discussion...

I think Boy Makeup
Should be a suggestion for
Next Haiku Friday
Forget that notion
Kilt for sure, but boy make-up
Once again, when a guy wears eyeliner, its called GUYliner.

Just like acne on your back is called Backne.

Don't ANY of you people ever watch Queer Eye?
Thanks for the laugh to start my day. I read a lot of college catalogs and websites (I'm a college counselor, too) and Baylor's "crack" lawyers is one of the funniest blunders I've read. Definitely a slippage in tone. That writer obviously does not know about the Professor's specialty.
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