Monday, April 23, 2007


Third Favorite Recycled Photo

I'm not sure what exactly it is that cracks me up about this picture of Bobby Knight. He looks kind of mischievous, in an evil sort of way. What is he thinking?

"If you don't hurry up and take the frackin' picture I'm going to wrap a folding chair around your neck." Or something like that. Non-violent, I mean.
"Anger management training, my ass. I gotta get a better publicist. Haven't you people heard about my garden gnome collection, my work with the four-letter-word challenged, and my efforts to support the manufacturers of red clothing items? I am a damn pussycat!!" Rest of quote unintelligible, due to FCC restrictions on foul language....
He's thinking, maybe I ought to go to law school -(remainder credited to,
an institution that has no justification for the hazing process of bottomless work.
It is good to work hard for noble enterprises, it is good to test to see how far people can go, but it is horrible to put students in a system that balancing any other value besides law school will hinder their education and result in ridicule of classroom participation. To take away from values such as family, friends, moral enterprises, relaxing, community service and fun is to bereave us of what is most essentially human. The most hypocritical part of law school is in its testing methods. A student who happened to pick up the right testing method does better than a student who is far more knowledgeable about the law. The student who takes a three hour test well, with no instructions on how to take the test, gets six figure salaries in a few years; where the student who has the integrity to pursue a more genuine knowledge of the law will scrounge to get a third of the salary at the public defenders office. Personally, it is hard for me to accept that the system has integrity when the one sentence “How did you do on your exams?” is more valuable to your career then 300 hours worth of studying.

~ misc. thoughts on the Baylor Way on Day 2 of Spring Q exams ~
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