Wednesday, April 25, 2007



The law school is very quiet today, at least on the third floor. There may be mayhem a few floors down with the finals, but up here it is pretty serene. I'm writing, and that's best done in private, since there is a lot of pacing and muttering involved.

My only visiter was Poseur, who was triple checking his final exam time and worrying that if he gives a sermon, the school will be struck by lightning. We'll see...

UPDATE: Poseur did great. One of the best, and that is saying something in this crowd...

The crazy thing was, I had the info down wrong. It was a good thing I checked.
Yes, I have checked twice also, and I still think I have the wrong time! (G/S Fever is setting in).

Giving a sermon to any one of the Triumviri is a daunting prospect.
Ginger-- You are getting two of the three, too.
As the random audience member during the Oral Advocacy finals yesterday, I was really impressed. It was very inspiring to see some great performances.

Desmond has told me that in his first round of Moot Court as a 3Q he would get so nervous that he could barely put together complete thoughts. Yesterday, he delivered a spirited sermon and I couldn't see one hint of fear. It was really great.

They were all great. I just hope that everyone at this school gets an opportunity to sit back one day and realize how far we have all come (or will go). In the midst of a tough week of finals, it was a nice break. Thanks for letting me visit!
My vote for favorite class ever is Oral Ad. And finishing up with Professor O'Brien today was awesome, in exactly the meaning we discussed.

I would also like to confess that while sneaking upstairs to check my scheduled speech time for the third time, Osler busted me doing it. Man, I'm a nerd.
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