Sunday, April 08, 2007


It's Easter morning.

Some people wondered what my Good Friday pictures meant. The photos were taken out in the desert. I was driving along and saw a cross by the road. Yes, it was a telephone pole, but it was a cross, stark against the rough desert. I stopped the car and looked at it-- I was profoundly moved by it. I honestly don't know where that came from, as I was in a rush to get to Midland, but there it was and I could not drive on.

The sense only grew as I saw the two crosses next to it. The two bandits who were crucified next to Jesus took different paths. Why, if Jesus was the Son of God, was he in this humble place, displayed as a criminal? It was almost crushing-- those stupid telephone poles in the middle of nowhere had become Golgotha, and the scene had become real in a challenging way. "Get down!" I thought, "get down!" But I knew Jesus hadn't gotten down, that he did not save himself. One of the bandits even made that same challenge from his own cross, taunting him.

I had to get to Midland. So I pulled back onto the road. The road was straight and flat and endless-- one of those West Texas roads with no trees or turns, and the kind of stark beauty that takes a settled mind to see. And then I saw it: Along the road, stretching to the infinite, a line of crosses, one for each of us.

But how many of us seek Easter?

Happy Easter (Sunday), Osler!!!
We are wondering when to begin Spencer's religious education. The problem is this: I am Unitarian, and Bill is Presbyterian. He will not even enter a Unitarian Church. He refuses to go and if I want Spencer to be Unitarian, I have to take him there alone. Unitarianism was good and I am proud of it but it offered me no solace or comfort or just much of anything growing up. I would like him to live a different way.

I would like him to one day read Osler's blog and KNOW what the pictures of the telephone poles mean.

We were thinking we could go to a Christian church, and I would be willing to go with he and Bill there, for his sake.. But I would feel like I am faking it you know? Like I would be just sitting there going through the motions. I would probably sing in the choir, as I spent like 15 years in choir in grade school and college.

Is that wrong? I am not sure what to do here. Should we as a family join this one Methodist Church (I went to Methodist summer camp, at least I know all the songs) we like that Bill could live with? OR should I go to a separate church and let Bill take him to the Methodist Church? I would LOVE for us as a family to attend the Unitarian Church, where I would feel most comfortable.

However, Spencer is a child, and it is about his life now, not mine. Bill thinks NO Church is better than the Unitarian church. For me, another church makes me feel that they are speaking Swahili or something. I guess Bill would feel that way too, at my church.

I am so confused. SO on this Easter, we are trying to make plans for our religious future.

Have you knelt with your husband and asked God what you should do? I'm sure between the three of you you can sort it out.

Best wishes,
Church Shop. Look for places that let you pray and think and that are friendly. Especially for Spencer, you'll want a place that welcomes kids and teaches that God is Love.

I found an Episcopal Parish like that. There are plenty or Episcopal Parishes that are NOT like that, but pretend you're doing that thing you did in high school.

Heck, a good friend of mine has been UCC, Quaker and now Baptist. He can explain his faith journey for himself, but I always got the impression like me, he was looking for the right "community" as opposed to the right doctrine.

Faith will grow in the right soil.
We are going to go church shopping I think. GREAAAT First Job hunting, then home improvement, then tales of toddlerhood and now church shopping....

I have no problem with most churches, I guess, but I would prefer one that is a little more - I don't know... inclusive... I know that sounds weird but the UUs sort of do not frown on things like like gay couples or whatever. I feel funny about excluding people for things like this. I don't really get it, but I mean I DO get the argument... because in at least the case of Bill's parents, they believe gay is a CHOICE and not like just how a person is born.
Personally I do not have a thing against gay parents or whatever. I had a pretty crappy childhood at times, and I would have LOVED to have two Dads or two Moms who actually LIKED ME instead of the set of nutjob parents I got.

I DO NOT believe in putting down other churches, though and I respect my inlaws and understand their argument. I do not agree with it, but I get what they are saying.

I just want Spencer to be open to things, and the world. I would hope that a church could learn to deal with the fact that even though I do not believe in God I still would want to go there, to be with my family. I am sure I could find a place for myself there, somehow. If not, I will go hang with UUs.

This parenting stuff is a LOT harder than you ever think its gonna be. Its like I NEVER know if I am doing enough or the right thing.
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