Monday, April 09, 2007


I feel like I have been to a time-share sales pitch...

Let's just say I spent a little time watching reality shows tonight, and the whole thing creeped me out. Reality? No. There's more reality in your average "Spongebob" episode.

And watching four women try to work out what 15 minus three is... sigh.

I am looking forward to tonight's installment of THE BACHELOR.
and that one of those four was a lawyer....sigh.
To her credit, she seemed to get the answer first. It was almost cruel to put that part on the show.
Ah, so you watched it! Shouldn't the TV be reserved for violent video games featuring malicious pink puffballs or something?

Me, I was looking at thousands of documents related to websites and promotional activities
I only play that game with you, IPLG, and I don't seem to remember you doing very well against Kirby the Pink Puffball.
That was a sad, sad, sad show.

What was that girl even doing on it?
You know that guy they were all fighting for? He seemed like a complete tool. I am glad for her sake that she was kicked off. She seemed glad about it too.

I cannot imagine a person wanting to be on the bachelor, or the Bachelorette - which is the male version of it. Maybe she was kidnapped.
Yes, Kirby the pink puffball kicked my butt, repeatedly. But that's only because I had never played violent video games before I visted your home in Waco....
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