Friday, April 27, 2007


Haiku, The Friday Tradition!

It's been quite a week here at the Razor-- from the explosion of Tyd's house through commencement tomorrow. Here are some suggested haiku topics:

1) My flamethrower
2) Water imagery in the work of F. Scott Fitzgerald
3) Tyd's exploding house
4) Commencement at Baylor law
5) What kind of ascot does the Spanish Medievalist wear?
6) Bates in England
7) Super job, AG Gonzales!
8) Finals
9) Quality cutlery
10) If I only had a job...

Here is mine:

Commencement's here,
I'm sure I'll clap from the back
And try not to yell.

Now it is your turn-- just make it 5 syllables/7 syllables/5 syllables, 'k?

T and E final
Forgotten how to have fun
But boy, I can DWAP
Oz unemployment
"If I only had a job!"
I need red slippers

Clap from the back? huh?
You admire my cojones,
Now an STD?
Some call me Gonzo;
This is my only purpose:
Fall on sword for George.
Finally its done
Will never donate a cent
Lack of leadership
Pink cleats and pigtails
She has put on her game face
My soccer princess

Sunny soccer field
Ten five-year-olds run and play
Ignoring their coach

Surrounding the ball
A giggling mob of players
Kick with abandon

A clear breakaway
Parents scream in ecstasy

Five feet from gaol line
Exhausted toddler falls down
Parents wail in pain

Game time has expired
All failures are forgotten
They live for Snack Time
Sleepy Walleye says
"To Waco in October!"
The Union is on
What, just the toddlers?
I'm livin' for snack time, too!
After-class juice box!
Baylor Sippy Cup
Coming to graduation
Full of good "water"
You broke my window
To take stuff that was not yours
I'll represent you

I spoke with the state
Life in jail is the offer
I think you should take.
Oh grand flamethrower!
My tighty whities are clean,
If my house explodes.
D.C. based Osler
fans need to hook me up: Ten
weeks in Wash... homeless :(

Neat freak, non-smoker,
And I won't steal/wreck your stuff
Sub-lease something, please!
Great job, Gonzaley!
I need a guy at FEMA--
Can ya' go fix that?
What a peaceful world
If instead of throwing flames,
skittles and gum drops
Wren, Powell, Toben
Jackson, Lilley, even Pierce
All are Baylor grads.

Everyone on
Stage for our graduation
Went to school right here!

We love ourselves so!
But, wouldn't it be nice to have
A bit of color?
graduation cheers
to Allison;* Glad I did
not commence with her ;)

*and everyone else graduating!
Big Al - He's Our Man
Can't Remember Anything
Can Deny It All

Eight talking heads speak
Nothing new from all but one
Who was that crackpot??

He's from Alaska
Home of the pork barrel king
His Highness Stevens

Washington needs help
Send a giant flamethrower
I'll fix it all fast
Flamethowing Panda
The new CSO, Perhaps?
Might be effective.
Taking my sister
for a much needed Big "O"
Our place to catch up

when I need to cut
my steak, only the ginsu
does the job for sure
I do not recall
I have no cecollection
I do not recall
A sad life awaits
those consumed by what is not.
Don't ruin your walk.
Dear anonymous
Your haiku is a downer
It's Friday. Cheer up.
Lemmy Kilmister
Is it "gay" to rock so hard
A killer of lawns
Osler News flash SIR GRAVES GHASTLY DIED!!!!!!
Insurance totaled
both cars. At least this is good.
Sir Graves Ghastly died.

Not so prolific
at haiku this week. Spencer
driving me crazy.
My son is Donut
The monster boy of Canby,
He loves blasting caps.
I AM Fat Kenny!
Are you saying I'm not "real?"
I'll pee on your door.
Telephone, please ring!
Check it constantly to see
No missed calls for me
Osler's flamethrower:
Wit and principle combined;
Watch out, those who spin!

Green light blinking: sure,
Ceaseless over rippling sea;
Beckons us to hope.
Beware, Cutco Man.
I am a Super Ninja!
Fear my mad knife skills!

Finals are the suck
You, give Sam Lowry an A
Or Coco goes nuts
Bates is in England?
What will they think of Texas?
No boots and long hair!?
Boo, Civ Lib final
So much for graduating
Be back next quarter
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Hard PC Exam
Mean Diabolical Profs
Retake Whole Quarter
Not You Fat Kenny
Yet another frat brother
Who peed on our doors
"My House is broken,"
says Spencer, "and being fixed
by Bob the Builder."
One goal in my life:
Passing all PC classes
Including 3rd one

No worries on Bar
After this, must be a snap
Compared to Powell

(For anon 12:34)
Even if angry,
Don't take it out on students
Give to scholarships

Someday when I call,
I will give you giving spiel
Help a poor student
Water and F Scott?
Let us instead look to Joyce's.
"Portrait" and water.

Like Icarus, fly.
Yet, the dirty water will
Always greet your fall.
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