Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Congrats to Allison Dickson!

I received an email from Jerri Cunningham about commencement Saturday which mentioned that Allison Dickson (pictured above) is the highest ranking student among the spring graduates! Congrats, Allison. There are a lot of superstars in this group, and if you broke it out by entering classes, maybe three or four top ranking students, so the competition was very tough.

Allison has left a lot of impressions here, and one of my favorites was our mutual experience in Oral Advocacy of learning from Prof. Gloer as he recovered from a disabling stroke, yet taught with authority and passion. I suspect Allison had a different perspective in watching that than many of us, and in the end she gave a final exam for the ages.

Of course, graduation probably won't compare to that magical moment when she first met William Hung...

Congratulations Allison!!

I don't normally hang around A-plus students (I am too cool*), but Miss Dickson rocks. She is one of the people I will miss the most after leaving BL, because we always take a few minutes and complain about all the annoying little things (that surely we secretly love) about Baylor. However, I will say one thing, please Lord, don't ever let her cross-examine me, she is ferocious.

*Truthfully I probably don't hang around with A-plus students because they don't watch SpongeBob Squarepants in the cat room at Fuzzy Friends Rescue, which is what I do in my spare time.
Though they make a handsome couple, I think she can do much better...
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