Thursday, March 22, 2007
Good hair day.

It was time for a haircut, and Alpine seemed like a pretty good place for it. There was a haircut place down the street with the sign ("Eva's") in paint on the plate glass window-- always a good sign. I read once that it is a good idea to bring a picture of what you are hoping for, so I brought this drawing-- I was hoping for the look on the left, if I had enough hair.
She nailed it! Thank you, Eva!
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Hollywood Hair: My gosh, I've gone to Dallas & Austin to have my hair done by a Master; but, didn't know it was "In" now to go to Alpine, Tx. to be 'Done'--must be one really "Cute-Cutter." GREAT store in Alpine: On the main street more at the end & on the corner in a house with colorful junky-stuff outside; but, super-duper stuff inside !!!
Ms.Brenda (shop-till-you-drop)
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Ms.Brenda (shop-till-you-drop)
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