Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Today is my 400th Birthday!

It's true. I'm now 400 years old. I'm celebrating here at DFW's "B" terminal, which it appears stands for "Bus." Seriously, they turned it over to American Eagle, and already it looks dumpy. Any minute, I expect a Roy Rogers restaurant to open in the middle of the concourse.

The gold standard for bus-station-like air terminals, of course, is the old People Express terminal in Newark. It was quite an airline-- you paid for your ticket when you were actually on the plane, and the flight attendants sold fried chicken by the piece. It was $19 from Norfolk to Newark when I was in college, plus extra if you wanted chicken. Their flights, with no assigned seating, featured a mad dash into the plane and little fights for the good seats. Does anyone else remember that airline?

Are you Jamestown, Virginia? The Episcopal Diocese of Virginia? (both are also 400 this year, but I'm not sure which day they were founded)
Hope you have a great 400th birthday, Prof. Osler!
I took People Express to NYC once. It was great.

But I take umbrage regarding your comments about Roy's. Roy Rogers is the BEST fast food, hands down. And yes, the company is still around and in fact re-expanding out of its new home in Western Maryland.

(OK, lets not talk about that one in the basement of Penn Station in New York or the crappy ones in I-95 between Baltimore and Wilmington)
Happy Birthday, Dude! And heck yes, I remember People's Express. I was going to Middlebury back in the early 80's and they had a connection from Newark to Burlington, which is just another way to say, "You can't get there from here." The real bus from Burlington was superdrag. Everyone smelled like stale sweat, old cigaretts and the beer they just had for breakfast. And that was a good day.

The cost of the flight was $6.53, but, as you say, the chicken was extra. Sometimes they also had little pots of baked beans, which I never thought was a great idea on an airplane.

The terminal in Newark was real musty and they didn't change the light bulb very often. And there was no food because they wanted you to buy it on the airplane. I got a black eye from a Canadian Nun who wanted a bulkhead seat so she could stretch out. Dangerous.
You mean People Depressed?

Yes, I remember that airline. They were crazy, but the price was right in college and post-college days. (I think I flew People's to my best friend's wedding, just after college, when I was making like $12K a year and living in a furnished studio apartment with plastic furniture in Savannah.)

People's Express and Piedmont, who I think started the trend of giving you the whole can of Diet Coke instead of just a half-full cup with mostly ice.
Ahh, I can still hear the click-click sound of the manual credit card imprint machine as the flight attendants moved up the aisle.
Happy Birthday Osler! Hope you have a better birthday than I will :) (bar exam birthday!) You look pretty good for 400.
Happy Birthday. Today also happens to be my father's birthday but he's only 64.

Only 64. That's not a phrase you hear everyday.
Hey, we read a case involving People's Express in Torts- when we were discussing mere economic damages- something about a chemcial explosion that caused the evacuation of their terminal at Newark.
My goodness-- it's hard to believe Meatloaf is 64 today. I suppose with his lifestyle, though, he should be glad to be alive at all. Anyways, Swanburg, you should call him or something...
People Express sounds not unlike Southwest Airlines. Cheap fares, no food, and a mad dash for seats
Roy Rogers' rocked. Best chicken, decent roast been sandwich. It was a crime when Hardee's bought Roy's and took 'em apart...

... and I do remember People Express. Never flew 'em. I was on Eastern for most of my flights in the early '80s.
Wait is it REALLLY Osler's 400th Birthday!?!?!

Sorry I am riveted by the unending testimony in the Anna Nicole case. Howard wants her body so he can follow her wishes Her mother wants her body to bury her in TX. and the judge is telling everyone how when he teaches tennis he always wears white.

Where did THAT guy go to Law School? Have any of you seen this thing? It is REallllly weird He will not let any of the lawyers ask the questions or "cross" the witnesses. He instead asks them weird questions about things like how much money they make... things that have NOTHING to do with just anything..... I know I am confined to our master suite for 6 days now pretty much crammed in with the dog and a lot of furniture, and with Spencer at the sitter and nothing on daytime TV I watched Court Tv all day.

This is a really bad like trial thing... what is the deal with this judge? I know its probate court, but what is that guy doing?

I am confused. I wish I knew some lawyers who could explain this to me.........
Merry belated 400th!

I think the B terminal at DFW is like the B team at life. Seriously, those little American Eagle planes scare the crap out of me. They get blown around too easily by turbulence, the cows in West Texas, and all that hot air coming out of Crawford.

Regardless, I think they should start selling fried chicken by the piece in Baylor undergrad classes. We pay enough for it already, plus, I loves me some chicken. Sometimes you just get hungry in class, y'know? I can see the dinner carts coming through Cashion already...mmmmmmm.

I got a pan...I got a plan...I'ma fry dis chicken in my hand...
tyd--with the emphasis on tennis whites, that judge must've been a Baylor Fashion Merchandising/Law grad! Isn't it obvious? ;o)
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