Tuesday, January 16, 2007



It's true. I'm not a juror. Sadly, I didn't even get to go through the selection process to be rejected; they just turned us all away when all of the trials set for County Court #2 pled out.

Now, I am going to try to get IPLawFamily out of town (reluctantly; it has been great having them here). There are trace amounts of snow on the ground, so no doubt all flights have been cancelled...

it's time to face the possibility that you simply were not good enough. welcome to the world of the law student. :)
And to think, you would have made an extra $10 each day that you worked on the jury--gravy.
Word on the street was you were gonna get axed anyway.

Sad, but true.

At least this way, you didn't really get cut.

it's a glass half full kind of thing.
iplawfamily can come stay with me if need be.
Thanks for the kind offer Thomas, but the Zombies probably would have been freaked out by IPlawbaby.

Our flight to DFW from Waco was indeed cancelled, so we drove through the blinding.... um, the raging... um... 35 degree, 5-10 mph winds and slightly overcast conditions and no precipitation to DFW and got on the plane there.

At least they had power at the Waco airport today. And I think the General Manager came to work.
Thank God you made it in those conditions, IPLG-- I admire your bravery in even attempting to traverse the CRIPPLING ICE STORM.
Dammit man, it took us at least five minutes to find a decent CD in that car! If bad tunes aren't a hardship, I don't know what is.
Sorry, man. There must've been too many legacies going through and stuff. Oh, and did you have recs? This is the South, hon...you need recs.
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