Friday, December 01, 2006


Excuse me-- Did someone say "Festive Holiday Beatdown?"

My close friend and associate Larry Bates stopped in a little while ago and mentioned something... well, a little surprising. It appears that some students are foolish enough to think they can take us on in the royal and ancient game of foosball. Well, bring it on! [I say this knowing full well that I really stink at foosball; I'm counting on Bates to back up my bravado]

Dates and times to be announced. And, whoever these "opponents" may be, you may want to bring a spare set of underpants. Such things are necessary when you have challenged a true God of the Foosballs.

Meanwhile... did I hear Chicago say "I'll buy pants when it actually gets cold!" while standing in the hall yesterday? If my hearing was not playing tricks, this was a truly inspiring statement, implying both that the man has no pants, and that he is too tough to need pants in most weather situations. The man will be a demon in court (provided they let him in without pants).

I think Chicago meant long pants; he was wearing shorts yesterday (and every other day).
The 3Qs may hold a 1st Annual Matthew Cordon Foozball invitational in the near future depending on how this weekend's toury goes.
Even better, while in the student lounge today I heard Chicago say "There's enough Chicago to go around." I was very traumatized by this, especially if it was said in conjunction with the pants comment. I think that was IIED. Too bad I'm in Texas and can't really recover for that. Dratted tort reform.
Bates doesn't give memos. He gives you the shakes. It's brutal, man-- just that "Thunk!!" noise, and he's doing that little victory dance, and his old lady is taking your money.
Bates has an "Old Lady?"
Usually by the second game he does. The Ladies... well, let's just say that many of them appreciate a man who can provide a little foosball magic.
Hot news of the day was that Chicago was actually wearing long pants today. It was a stunner.
You know, to those of us who are not at Baylor, it sounds like a very strange but interesting place; almost like it is just made up. What a bunch of characters!
Indeed, Chicago is larger than life.
It IS all made up. The reality is so traumatizing that the only way to survive is to meet in cyberspace and make up our own reality. It's kind of like " A Little Princess"... this blog is an attic for orphans, and we meet here every night to exchange fairy tales to cheer us up before we trudge off to spend another miserable night under our ratty blankets, only to wake up to another day of toil and drudgery.
ah, drudgery
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