Friday, September 08, 2006



At the edge of Baylor's campus is a goofy coffee place-- Common Grounds seems to have located at random into an abandoned house, keeping the furniture and fixtures left behind by the former low-budget occupants. It also has great coffee.

Between 8:10 and 8:20 in the morning, I am kind of a zombie. My communications are limited to grunting noises and nods of the head, and I tend to walk into things. Well, this morning what I walked into was Common Grounds. As soon as I entered, one of the two baristas asked me "Are you faculty?" I told her I was, and she and her fellow worker started doing the "faculty dance," which consists of waving your hands over your head and bobbing your head like a turkey. It was pretty fun.

My question is about etiquette. In this situation, should one:

a) Join in doing the "faculty dance"
b) Look awkwardly out the window
c) Throw money, or
d) Draw a concealed firearm (this is Texas, so I had to include that)

I applaud your concession to Texas culture. In fact, you might even offer a multiple multiple choice here, for brandishing your concealed weapon seems compatible with all the other answers. Whether you dance, look away or throw money, I say you draw your weapon. It goes without saying that the character of your weapon waving will vary with your choice (I can see you waving your firearm enthusiastically above your head as you dance, merely opening your jacket as you look away or pointing it toward the crowd to deter criminals from taking advantage of your generosity, if you elected to throw money). A lot of good choices here. I will be interested to see which one prevails.

An excellent point. Just like a Yankee for me to assume that pulling my gun would somehow exclude me from joining in the dance...
I say do the dance. Perhaps a good execution of the dance will warrant discounted coffee!
I say you do the faculty dance while shooting said firearm in the air.

Why not? It is Texas, after all. :o)
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