Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Aye, So Long Fahrenblarfer

Sadly, Chris Fahrenholdt over at SoTheBearSays has ended his string of successes as chronicler of all that is Baylor Law. Though I was the prof. and he was the student, I must admit that I checked it every day.

In starting Baylor Law's First Known Blog by a prof, I lack the freedom that Chris had-- I can't, and won't, comment on many Baylor controversies.

There are, however, lots of other controversies that I CAN comment on, including the "What the Heck Happened At Facebook?!?!" controversy brought on by that site's conversion to a format akin to one of those ADD-style cable business channels where there are three or four bands of information blocking out the show. It's distracting, stalker-enabling, and somewhat overwhelming.

But, like lots of the other people complaining, I kind of like it. Do I care that Gordon Davenport has posted a comment on Margaret Chen's wall? Whether I do or not, I can't help myself from chasing it down and reading it.

It is rather sort of like watching Saturday Night Live's version of MSNBC where they keep putting things in your line of vision to where you can no longer see the reporters.
I think I might like it though, since it helps me keep up with Puckett's daily doin's more effectively which is something I think everybody can enjoy.
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