Friday, January 03, 2025


Haiku Friday: Dancing!


Yes, Thanksgiving at my house featured kitchen dancing again (pictured above), which is one of my favorite parts of the holiday. I do feel like there is not enough of that in our lives, So let's haiku about dancing this week! Here, I will go first, with a college memory:

I knew a dancer
She spelled out her address
With limbs (and some hints).

Now it is your turn! Just use the 5/7/5 syllable pattern and have some fun!

Erstwhile buddy's first
Girlfriend, fondly known (by some)
As "The Nutcracker"
On two left feet with
A total lack of rhythm
Trying to stand up

Study or disco?
College years spent making that
choice. Yeah. Disco won.

Only a few moves
Clumsy enthusiasm
Would love a partner
Jimmy Page admires
tune "Dance, Little Sister Dance"
by Jagger/Richards
Someone told me to
Dance with reckless abandon
And joy shall follow
Ha! Perfect topic (I’ll need to post two haiku). I think I’d love Thanksgiving at your family’s house!

Dancing at my son’s
wedding - “Little bit softer
now,” brings us all in.

The fountain of youth
ain’t in Florida. It’s on
a hoppin’ dance floor!
Dancing adventures,
Coming of age at a dance,
Lovely memories.
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