Tuesday, April 16, 2024


What's next in the Middle East


After Iran's mostly-failed attack on Israel-- some 300 missiles and drones were shot down without much damage-- we wait to see what happens next. 

It's fascinating to me how the larger conflict has eclipsed the war in Gaza as a magnet for the news. And, of course, the larger conflict has caused a bit of a respite in Gaza as Israel had to pull forces back to the homeland. 

It's shocking to think how many wars this relatively small area has had in my lifetime. Just off the top of my head, I can remember the following:

Iran v. Iraq
Israel v. Hamas/Gaza
Israel v. Lebanon
Everyone v. ISIS
US v. Afganistan
US v. Iraq
Houthis v. Saudi Arabia
Syria v. Syria
Egypt/Syria/Jordan v. Israel

Am I missing any?

Yemani Civil War

Syrian Civil War

Kurds v. Iraq Central authority

Kurds v. Turkey

Lebanese Civil War

IPLG-- Wow, you're right!
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