Last week I asked what Gov. Romney should say to the Republican convention, and got some great answers. Just about the best was this suggestion from the Waco Farmer:
1. Who am I? I believe in the power of love. I believe I am a better person because I married Ann. Her love saved me. We are blessed with an amazing family. Our love and God's love built that. I believe in America. I believe that hard work pays off. I believe that we are a great nation that can do better, if we come together and take our serious situation seriously.
2. I believe President Obama is a good man who wants the best for America. I believe he was born in Honolulu, HI. And, even if he wasn't, the Romney family is on record as saying that is not even a disqualification for the presidency. I believe Barack Obama is a great father and husband. I believe Barack Obama is a great American success story. I believe Barack Obama loves the USA as much as I do.
3. I also think Barack Obama has not met the challenge of our times. Granted, he inherited a tough situation, but he has been unable to get his mind around the big issues facing our nation, and he has wasted three and a half precious years that we could not afford to lose:
4. What can be done? We can get serious about energy. We have a new reality in terms of our potential for energy independence. We need to reassess our old ideas about energy and look forward into the 21st century. We need to reassess our old ideas about entitlements and government spending and taxes and put our country on a path to sustainability. We need to shake off the ideas of the last century and put our country on a course for peace and prosperity for the next 100 years. And the time is now.
5. Change is hard. I am the unknown. I understand. But when the known is unacceptable, change is the only viable alternative. There is no reason to believe President Obama will do anything different over the next four years from the last four years. We cannot afford another four years of sitting dead in the water.
Give me a shot. I will give you my best. I will not let you down.
God Bless America.
So tonight is President Obama's turn. What should HE say?
Last night Bill Clinton gave the best speech of the season. The President should boil it down to a more manageable time and add a bit of sizzle.
ReplyDeleteNote: Moving indoors was the right thing to do. The arena seems much more appropriate & presidential than the stadium at this moment.
Right now, President Obama is trying to figure out how he can whip the crowd into a frenzy tonight. Following Mom-in-Chief and 'the Preacher' (aka President Clinton) will not be easy.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to suggest they serve up some good NC barbeque and sweet tea before he speaks. And to Waco Farmers note, our weather has been a bit dicey this past week, so indoors is a good idea. It oculd rain, but it is going to be hot and muggy.
What the President might say. An Outline:
ReplyDelete1. It is my great honor to serve you as president. After four years, I am keenly aware that this office is much bigger than any person. No one man could hope to live up the responsibilities of leading this great nation without God's grace and guidance, without the prayers and hopes and well wishes of the citizenry, and without the army of statesmen and civil servants willing to dedicate their lives to making this government of the people, by the people, and for the people serve the people.
2. I am a work in progress. I came to Washington with a sincere desire to lead us into a new era of facing challenges head on and working together. Quite frankly, I fell short in many of my goals. But, as a wise person once said, success has very little to teach us. After four years of my share of successes but also my share of hard knocks, I am wiser and more experienced but not one bit less determined to lead our nation into a better day.
3. I believe in the ability of government to make life better for people. Student Loans. Rural Electrification. Water systems. Highways. Public Universities. Public Schools. Regulating corporations. Government can and should make life better for people. Government is not always the answer. Government, sometimes, oftentimes, is frustrating and unsatisfying. But that should not be surprising. Government is a function of collected human endeavor--and as imperfect as any individual. But, through government, we have a great tool at our disposal to do great good for our community and to do great good for our neighbors.
4. The Republicans say we have come to the end of the road of the era of government as a tool to make life better for people. Not surprising. From the very beginning they said none of this would work. From the very beginning they said Social Security was a Pyramid Scheme that would never work. 80 years later they are still predicting the demise of a program that has completely changed the quality of life for older Americans. They said the same thing about Medicare and Student Loans and myriad other programs that work and help. We have succeeded over the past 110 years using the government as a tool to help people because the truth is an intelligent government makes us stronger and facilitates economic growth. Slashing targeted programs for people in need has never balanced a budget. Rather, helping people move up the ladder has stoked economic growth and created more revenue and more wealth in this country time and time again.
5. Now is not the time to give up. God did not bring us this far to leave us here. There is a better day over that hill. We need to keep climbing.
God Bless America.
WF, you sure you don't want to be a democrat? That's a pretty good speech!
ReplyDeleteObama walks out to the podium as "I Got the Feeling" by James Brown plays in the background. The song keeps rolling as he says, "I would like to remind you of what I do for you America." Then Seal Team 6 rolls out with a picture of Bin Laden with a big "X" over his face. Obama leans into the mic and says, "I did that." Next a Chrysler 300 rolls out onto the stage, and Obama says, "I made that." Then a bunch of sick people come out on stage holding up their insurance cards, and Obama says, "I did that too." Then, finally, two dudes in their Navy uniforms come out, dress whites, and make out center stage, and Obama says, "I did that too. Suck it Romney." The music changes to "Sexy M.F." by Prince and Romney stalks the stage pointing at supporters and staring down America.
ReplyDeleteDone. Re-election assured.
RRL, did you mean Obama at the end there, or do you think Romney should actually show up at the dem. convention to torpedo his own campaign. Not that he wouldn't do that if people told him to.
ReplyDeleteI must admit that the RRL-Romney riff did not do it for me. But this is brilliant. I was thinking we need a YouTube version of this, but, in truth, it is so vivid that I can see it and hear it in my head just fine.
ReplyDeleteIt would be even better if we could get the Big 10 mascots involved somehow...
ReplyDeleteWaco Farmer, I will vote for you, whichever party you choose to represent.
ReplyDeleteWhat if the Nothwestern Wildcat does an interpretive dance about not having healthcare & then getting healthcare through Obama.
ReplyDeleteAlso, yes, I meant Obama at the end. I just got excited.
From one who also gets excited - and usually uses too many words,
ReplyDeleteAWF, BRILLIANT!!!
Megan may be on to something, with the passage of 'Citizens United' - can I donate my design services for your first campaign office?
It's hard to imagine what Obama can say after hearing Bill Clinton give the speech of his life (IMHO). I love RRL's riff, but I think in reality Obama should state, short & sweet, what he is GOING to do in the next four years. Clinton talked about what he already did, and Michelle Obama talked about who he is. He just needs to say he's humbled by the speeches of others at the convention, and here's what I'll do.