Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Date, time set for Serr v. Osler

Chicago just stopped by and confirmed that the Serr-Osler debate sponsored by the Federalist Society will occur at 7 pm on Monday, December 3, here at the law school.

Professor Serr (pictured at right) has, apparently, been doing some trash-talking, but I'm keeping myself above all that and simply look forward to the pleasure of a thorough discussion of the issues.

The question, then, is "what issues?" If you have any questions that you believe should be thrown at us, please slap them into the comments box below. The following topics, however, are off-limits at Prof. Serr's insistence:

1) The Third Amendment
2) Arrest records
3) Video of sophomoric antics which may or may not have appeared on Youtube
4) Any events taking place in June, July, or August of 1999
5) Hard fouls in intramural basketball

What could be more germane than the 3rd amendment? I can't think of anything?
More issues:

Dark Side of the Moon/Wizard of Oz: A Conspiracy?

Snape: Weirdo or Weirdo

Limerick or Haiku: The Importance of being from Nantucket
Prof. Serr gets all emotional if you even bring up the 3d Amendment. No one really knows why.
Could you explain the 11th Amendment? It is very confusing.
the long-term impact of Larry Craig's "wide stance" for the millions who use public restrooms on a daily basis
Strip clubs as constituionally protected activity: 1st Amendment (free speech), 9th Amendment (enumerated rights) or 10th Amendment (State's rights).
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