Friday, March 07, 2025


Haiku Friday: The River


I live in a place defined by rivers. When I go to St. Paul, I cross the Mississippi River, which still amazes me. A few blocks from my house, I took the picture above of Minnehaha Creek, which runs through my neighborhood, meanders around Minneapolis for a while, then plunges over Minnehaha Falls before flowing into the Mississippi. So let's haiku about rivers-- whatever is near to you or dear in your memory. Here, I will go first:

Saturday, Belle Isle
Freighters glide by like icebergs
A gull circles, sighs.

Now it is your turn! Just use the 5/7/5 syllable pattern and have some fun!

The Boss sung us songs
of quiet desperation.
The River still flows.
Lazy Calcasieu
Meanders from our camp house
We beach its sand bars

Curving, twisting turns
Flat water from Kinder to
Lake Charles and beyond

Trees overhang with
Spanish moss. The woods beyond
Dark, mysterious

In dreams, seen again
River memories that are
as real as today.

I wanted to flow
With it, my hair brown waves,muddy live,
My skin, river kiss’d.
Over you Sub’ru
Claims victory. it knows nought—
Does steel feel River?
My father only
Knew cows. Irrigation,not—
Columbia taught.

Behind her house
The Sugar River meandered
Magnifying Earth.
Babes with wonder squawk
Priests in sandals wobble rock
The Creek Baptism
Rocky River? Mom Scoffs
Her river: Mississippi
I saw. Understood
A dry creek bed
Traces through our property
Awakens with rain
Paddling the James:
flowing heart of Virginia,
a vital resource.

Let the river flow
Especially The Ole Miss
Mighty powerful

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