Monday, September 16, 2024


Tree Poems


Thank you for the excellent tree haiku! We had this from Christine, who is describing the tree I pictured (I think- it is at the foot of the street where we both grew up):

The tree stands alone
symmetrical, with deep roots
Traffic whizzing near.

Desiree knows trees, and I can just see this one from her description:

On the street corner,
our neighborhood star- white trunk,
huge leaves…sycamore!

The Medievalist has a Texas slant:

My favorite tree
Is the burr oak in backyard,
Plant'd many moons ago.

And I loved this anonymous entry:

Pink mimosa tree
Perfect backyard kid climbing
I could see the world! 🌍

I love that tree in GP but the tree I describe is in the median on I-85 about 15 miles from the SC line. There is another similar tree north of us in NC on 501 heading toward VA. Standing alone in symmetry for all those passing by to witness.
I lost half of the tree in my front yard last night in a storm. The oak in the backyard is just fine.
Eek! Sorry about that, Medievalist!
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