Wednesday, September 25, 2024


PMT: New York Mayor Indicted by Feds for Corruption


[Note: The above is not an actual photo of Eric Adams. Instead, it is what AI gave me when I asked them for an image of "New York Mayor running from a mob of prosecutors]

Yesterday, federal prosecutors in Manhattan charged the Mayor of New York, Eric Adams, with corruption-- we don't have further details because the indictment is sealed. It's remarkable  that in the long history of New York and corruption, this is the first time a sitting mayor has been indicted.

One thing to note here is the worth of an independent Department of Justice, which was willing to charge a prominent Democrat right before an important national election.

The other thing is... well, didn't people see this coming? The guy clearly did not live in New York when he ran for Mayor, among other red flags.

AI’s mob is all
male. Does AI think it’s still
the 1950s?

Adams adamant
about innocence though case
against him seems tight.

Adams adamant
about innocence. But that’s
what all guilty say.

Adams adamant
about innocence. Southern
District rarely wrong.

Adams adamant
about innocence and he’s
guilt-free ‘til proven.

I love haiku on Adams!
‘Adams adamant’ was too much fun to resist
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