Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Unusual characters playing sports

 I wondered... what would it look like if a famous porker was involved in demolition derby? The AI answer is kind of disturbing: She would enjoy it very much, even if she ended up holding her own severed leg:

What about a grouch playing ice hockey? Again, a good time for all! And one good thing about sports-- it gets you out of the same old trash can.

Somewhat realistic is this image of a famous bird in NASCAR:

What about rollerball? Well, that gets a little gory, as it appears this beloved character has taken great delight in having removed an opponent's still-beating heart with a spear:

Here is a well-known drummer playing football. I have to say wearing only underpants and a jersey is pretty on-brand:

I have no idea what is going on here, but it apparently involves hiking:

And finally, here is me after being beaten by Walt and Roy Disney for copyright violations. Help me, IPLawGuy!:

Just be glad it wasn't Doug and Dinsdale Piranha.
Is that an IP joke none of the rest of us know about?
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