Friday, August 30, 2024


Haiku Friday: Storms


There has been a really remarkable series of storms coming through this area lately: the kind where it becomes pitch-black in the afternoon. I kind of like a nice summer rain, but this is the violent tree-uprooting Uncle of those rainstorms. 

So let's haiku about storms this week. Here, I will go first:

Had to stop my bike
A tree was blocking the road
Sidewalk shoved away.

Now it is your turn! Just use the 5/7/5 syllable formula and have some fun!

Petrichor is the
Scent right after rain. Distinct.
Earth's lovely greeting.
Trapped in school. Waiting
for the storm to end so I
can escape from work. (Des)
On the deck, watching
two waterspouts dance. Fearful
and fascinated.

Thunder shook the air,
Lightening flashed in sky,
Hard rain in my face.
Suddenly, big drops,
crashing like water balloons
from the sky, ka-boom
Watching live radar
Ominous orange and red
March across my screen
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