Friday, August 16, 2024


Haiku Friday: Napping


There is something about August that just seems to make it perfect for a nap. Especially on the weekend, there is just some catching up to do. So if you have a poem about napping in you, let's bring it on! Here, I will go first:

Sunbeam, I'm right here
Let's combine forces today
At about, say, three.

Now it is your turn! Just use the 5/7/5 syllable formula and have some fun!

Summer camp, Texas
Sun too hot to go outside
Mandatory naps!
Lounging, book in hand,
Trickling water, splashes, lures
To the Land of Nod
I never nap much.
However, an afternoon nap
is a welcome respite.

I slept through my chance
To write a Friday Haiku
It's now Saturday

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