Monday, June 24, 2024


You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows


That's just my favorite lyric about the weather. But you probably knew that already.

Great work on the haiku, my friends! We had this from CraigA, who is dealing with it:

Hundred and five heat:
Getting up early with hose
in hand - saving plants.

And then his fellow Virginian, IPLawGuy, appreciates it all:

Dry heat, humid heat
Deep snow, frozen ice, crisp air
Give me the extremes.

Jill Scoggin is managing (and I love "I grow spent"):

Under the heat dome:
I grow spent so soon. Yard work
must be done in shifts.

Kitty is right there with IPLawGuy:

Montana is weird
It snowed last week but today
We might hit eighty.

And Anonymous has hopes:

Rain, rain go away
Come again some other day
Flowers need some sun!

Meanwhile-- Des sat this one out? No comment on climate change? Hmph.

Ha! Moving my boy to a new apartment in the southern record-setting heat! (Des)
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