Friday, June 28, 2024



 Tonight, Donald Trump evaded questions, told baldface lies and veered towards immigration as the answer to every question. And yet, somehow, President Biden was worse.

Here is an important piece of context: What Biden is arguing for is that he should be president when he is four years older than he is now. Think about that for a minute, in the context of the confusion and failure of this debate.

And, yes, I'm mad-- at all the people with influence within my party who insisted Joe Biden not be challenged for the nomination, who told us how behind closed doors he is quite spry, who have attacked anyone who doubts Biden's abilities. They have left us with a terrible candidate who is now fatally injured in this campaign.  I mean... he completed one convoluted answer by saying "We finally beat Medicare."

Democrats must find a way to a different nominee.

Time to take away his car keys. This is not an ageist comment. It was the reality before my eyes.

I have already written my Congress woman this morning and said as much.
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