Friday, June 14, 2024


Haiku Friday: In the clouds

 I love clouds. I like sunshine, sure, but even on a sunny day I am admiring that one wifty cloud hovering its dissent. 

So let's haiku about clouds this week. Here, I will go first:

Dark bank, storm perhaps
Butts up against the sunset
A war won by all.

Now it is your turn! Just use the 5/7/5 syllable patter and have some fun!

Love watching storm clouds
approach from covered front porch:
rain and lightning dance.


Blue skies and fluffy
white clouds make me think of art
by Rene Magritte.
Infectious drum sound
Hey, You, Get off of my Cloud
Favorite Stones Song
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As I stare skyward
Clouds drift, lazily changing
Shapes. Look it's a dog.
Clouds in the sky made
her sad. Clouds in her coffee
brought enlightenment.
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