Friday, June 21, 2024


Haiku Friday: The weather


We all talk about the weather this time of year-- and especially right now here in Minnesota, where rains are causing flooding. So let's haiku about weather this week! Here, I will go first: 

Blown-over building
A river in the street now
Ah, summer weather!

Now it is your turn! Just use the 5/7/5 syllable pattern and have some fun!

Thursday, June 20, 2024


A Reason Not to Execute


A version of this piece appears in today's Waco Tribune Herald:

Change is a Reason Not to Execute Ramiro Gonzales

By Mark Osler


I’ve spent the past three decades as a federal prosecutor, a state prosecutor,

and a professor who trains future prosecutors. In that time, one constant has

become abundantly clear: our criminal justice system too often fails to recognize

the truth that sometimes people change.


The latest subject of this failing will likely be Ramiro Gonzales, who is going 

to be executed by the State of Texas on June 26 unless last-minute measures

succeed. Gonzales’s crimes were terrible: At age 18, he kidnapped, raped, and

murdered a young woman named Bridget Townsend. It wasn’t his only serious

offense, either; eight months later he sexually assaulted Florence Teich. He

admitted to both crimes and received a life sentence for the sexual assault of Teich

and the death penalty for Townsend’s murder. This is not a case of innocence, but

one with a more complicated presentation, and one that appeals to a more complex



Gonzales wants to live. He has no delusions that he will be freed—and there

is no chance that he will be—but wants to live out his life in prison, ministering to

the others who are incarcerated. His change is rooted in faith. Because of his

embrace of Christianity, Gonzales has become someone worthwhile within the

prison who causes no problems and focuses his attention on religious activities.


One would think that such a faith-based change would appeal to those who

control his fate in Texas. Jesus often taught the value of mercy, and even (in John

8) interceded and stopped a legal execution, of a woman accused of adultery. More

importantly, Jesus’s teachings and actions were premised expressly on the belief

that people could change in fundamental ways—even be “born again.” One would

expect a largely Christian state to lead the way in acting from that belief.


The structure of Texas’s death penalty process is part of the problem. For

someone to be condemned to death at sentencing, a jury has to find that “there is a

probability that the defendant would commit criminal acts of violence that would

constitute a continuing threat to society.” It’s a bizarre standard, given that the

degree of probability isn’t defined and that it’s unclear how an imprisoned person

(life in prison without parole is the only alternative to death in a capital case) could

pose a threat to the larger society. Beyond that, though, is a special kind of hubris:

that we can really say we know what an 18-year-old will be like when they are 40

or 50 or 70. We all know of people who have changed in remarkable ways over the

course of their lives.


Christian conversion is not the only way people dramatically change

themselves, of course. Some find that change in being loved by someone. Others

are moved by the example of another person, or a faith other than Christianity. I

worked on the clemency petition of one man, Rudy Martinez, whose life was

changed when he discovered literature. He received a commutation from a life

sentence from President Obama in 2016 and has thrived as a productive citizen

since his release.


For Christians, though, capital punishment has proven complicated. The

institution would not survive without the support of Christians in those states

where it still exists, yet the most prominent opponent of the death penalty in our

time has been a Catholic nun, Sister Helen Prejean. Christians will sometimes

justify the death penalty by reference to the adage “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a

tooth,” which appears three times in the Old Testament. Perhaps less often cited is

Jesus’s explicit rejection of that adage in the Book of Matthew, where he says

“You have heard it was said, an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth,” and suggests

instead that if someone slaps you, you are to offer them the other cheek.


People have been making bad decisions on clemency for centuries, of

course. Jesus himself was considered for clemency before his execution, when

Pilate allowed a crowd to choose between Jesus and Barabbas, an insurrectionist

and possibly a murderer (spoiler alert: they picked Barabbas). But it would be

particularly strange for a state as identified with Christianity as Texas to reject a

tenant of the faith: that people can change.


PMT: Louisiana and the 10 Commandments


The State of Louisiana just passed a law mandating that the Ten Commandments be posted in every classroom in the state. It's a terrible idea. The Ten Commandments directly conflict with the US Constitution-- and probably the best way to comply with the new law would be to post the Bill of Rights next to the Ten Commandments. I'll explain why (though I have already done that in an article you can read here after downloading it).

Consider the First Commandment: "Have no other Gods Before Me." Setting aside the assumption of other Gods there, this commandment directly contradicts the First Amendment, which sets out freedom of religion. The Second Commandment suffers the same problem-- the Constitution guarantees we can have graven images if we damn well want. The Third Commandment conflict with the Constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech. Our society has pretty much given up on 4 & 5. Really, the only commandments encompassed by American law and culture are 6 & 8-- and, if you think about it, any organized society bars theft and murder. 

The 10 Commandments can be perfectly fine as a personal code, but lousy as a government mandate-- especially in a nation that has thrived under the Constitution we have. Our government can embrace one or the other, but not both-- and it seems that Louisiana has chosen Old Testament rules over the Constitution of the United States.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Oops! A little late...

 Sorry I am a little late with my haiku recap, but there was a good crop this week! We had this from my Mom:

Blue skies and fluffy
white clouds make me think of art
by Rene Magritte.

And this evocative piece from CraigA:

Love watching storm clouds
approach from covered front porch:
rain and lightning dance.

IPLawGuy is a coming to it from a different angle:

Infectious drum sound
Hey, You, Get off of my Cloud
Favorite Stones Song.

Christine has a particular shape in mind:

As I stare skyward
Clouds drift, lazily changing
Shapes. Look it's a dog.

While Desiree's runs a little deeper:

Clouds in the sky made
her sad. Clouds in her coffee
brought enlightenment.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


If you can only choose one Olympic venue....

 So, yeah, yesterday I skipped right over the Olympics this summer to talk about the 2026 World Cup, and I feel kinda bad about that. So let's jump back to the Olympics for a moment-- and specifically what I think might be the most interesting venue in Paris.

For whatever reason, a 30,000 seat temporary facility at Place de le Concorde is slated to host four of the more unorthodox events in the games: Freestyle BMX racing, 3 on 3 basketball, skateboarding, and breakdancing. 

3 x 3 basketball was an Olympic sport for the first time in 2020 (er, actually, 2021), but this will be the first time around for the US men. The team will have 4 members: Canyon Barry (son of hall of famer Rick Barry, who shoots free throws underhand and made 42 in a row in college), Jimmy Fredette (a former BYU star who played in the NBA for 7 years or so), Kareem Maddox (former Princeton player and NPR employee), and Dylan Travis (who played D2 ball at Florida Southern College). They are ranked #2 in the world.

The women's 3 x 3 team features two players familiar to most from the recent NCAA tournament: Cameron Brink from Stanford and Hailey Van Lith from LSU (who just transferred to TCU). They are joined by Rhyne Howard from the WNBA's Atlanta Dream (a former rookie of the year) and former WNBA player Cierra Burdick.

And breakdancing? A little bit here:

Monday, June 17, 2024


It's coming! World Cup 2026


I know... we should all be excited now for the Paris Olympics, which start next month, after all. But I'm looking past it to the 2026 World Cup for men's soccer, which is going to be a very different kind of tournament than we have seen in the past.

For one thing, it is being co-hosted by the USA, Canada and Mexico, with games held in all three countries. You can bet there will be real excitement all over once things start. I'm a little bummed that Texas got two host cities (Dallas and Houston) while the entire upper midwest (Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, etc) got shut out. Yeah, Kansas City is a host, but that is not the same.

The other big news is that the tournament is expanding from 32 to 48. teams, which means we will see some nations represented that don't usually get in the mix. 

It's never too early to get ready....

Sunday, June 16, 2024


Sunday Reflection: Teaching in parables

 In a lot of churches, this will be the reading for the day, from Mark 4:

26 He also said, “The kingdom of God is as if someone would scatter seed on the ground 27 and would sleep and rise night and day, and the seed would sprout and grow, he does not know how. 28 The earth produces of itself first the stalk, then the head, then the full grain in the head. 29 But when the grain is ripe, at once he goes in with his sickle because the harvest has come.”

30 He also said, “With what can we compare the kingdom of God, or what parable will we use for it? 31 It is like a mustard seed, which, when sown upon the ground, is the smallest of all the seeds on earth, 32 yet when it is sown it grows up and becomes the greatest of all shrubs and puts forth large branches, so that the birds of the air can make nests in its shade.”

33 With many such parables he spoke the word to them as they were able to hear it; 34 he did not speak to them except in parables, but he explained everything in private to his disciples.

There is a lot going on there, and basically three things a preacher could talk about: the parable of the sower, the parable of the mustard seed, and the explanation of parables. It's that last one that preachers least often address.

The explanation for the use of parables as a teaching tool is that it allowed Jesus to speak the word to his audiences "as they were able to hear it." Of course, that doesn't really explain the technique, but I think there are at least two important things at work here.

First, parables allowed Jesus to set moral lessons in the kinds of experiences that everyday people had at that time. Getting water from a well, sowing seeds, paying workers (or being paid), working as a shepherd-- these are settings that people could understand. In other words, Jesus started at a point of commonality. I often think of it as drawing a circle around me and an audience, and starting there, with what we have in common.

Second, as this passage explains, Jesus usually did little to explain the parables unless goaded to do so by his apostles later. He left the people in the audience to figure it out, and that gave them agency, a role in the process. The commitment to a conclusion is much stronger when we are part of the deciders, and that is what is going on here, I think. 

There is a lot to learn from how Jesus taught....

Saturday, June 15, 2024


Trump and Sharks


I know-- maybe not the biggest issue we face, this whole electric boat/shark thing. But it sure makes a rally more interesting!

Friday, June 14, 2024


Haiku Friday: In the clouds

 I love clouds. I like sunshine, sure, but even on a sunny day I am admiring that one wifty cloud hovering its dissent. 

So let's haiku about clouds this week. Here, I will go first:

Dark bank, storm perhaps
Butts up against the sunset
A war won by all.

Now it is your turn! Just use the 5/7/5 syllable patter and have some fun!

Thursday, June 13, 2024


PMT: Father Coughlin


Perhaps you have never heard of Father Charles Coughlin, but it might be time to do so.

He was the parish priest at the Shrine of the Little Flower in Royal Oak, Michigan but was mostly significant because of his very popular radio show, The Hour of Power. He began broadcasting in 1926, and was hugely influential until World War II. He was a Christian leader who was expressly political. His agenda included pushing for an "America First" foreign policy and staunch anti-communism. Though he promoted unions, he evolved into a right-wing defender of Hitler's actions in the 1930's, including Kristallnacht. In 1938, he promoted the emerging Christian Front, a militia-like organization which vowed to defend America from Communists and Jews. Anti-semitism became a major part of his theology.

At his peak in the 1930's, about 30 million people listened to his weekly broadcasts-- about a quarter of the U.S. population of 120 million. 

Ultimately, his activities were curtailed when World War II began. He opposed U.S. involvement in the war, predictably blaming Jews for the conflict.

I hope that it will not take a world war to create broad rejection of Christian nationalism in our own time.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Hunter Biden convicted

 Yesterday President Biden's son, Hunter, was convicted of three felony counts in a federal court in Wilmington, Delaware. The core charges were that Hunter Biden was using drugs at the time he bought a gun, and lied about the drug use at the time of the gun purchase.

The similarities between this outcome and the recent conviction of former President Donald Trump in a Manhattan state court are striking:

-- Both involve members of political families
-- Both convictions were under statutes that are not usually used in this way
-- Both involve a man who was at a low point in his life at the time of the incident
-- Both cases are likely to result in probationary sentences (though others disagree with me on this)

The thing is, the Biden outcome undercuts Trump's claim that the system is rigged against him and Republicans. 

I suppose he could continue to say that IF the argument was that Biden wanted to get Trump and allowed prosecution of his own kid to give him cover. If true... that would be some serious Kaiser Soze shit right there. And I don't think Biden has that in him.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


The long ballot


It's that fascinating time of the political year where all the fringe candidates are still on ballots and the malarky runs high.  

I'm especially intrigued by the Minnesota Senate race, which will be won by incumbent Amy Klobuchar. The Republican Party here has endorsed former basketball player Royce White, who seems interesting. Beyond the usual election denying and such, he spent campaign money at a strip club in Miami and some other unusual places, and is under investigation.

And what about "Loner Blue?" Formerly known as Scott G. Kendall, Mr. Blue was incarcerated for a while and now styles himself as a "Christian American Patriot" (though in his version, it is all caps).

Ole Savior, in turn, has a uniquely Minnesotan name and quite a history of unsuccessful campaigns:

Candidate, Governor, Minnesota, 2018, 2022

Candidate, United States Senate, 1984, 1996, 2000, 2008, 2014

Candidate, United States President, 2004, 2008, 2012

Candidate, Governor, 1998, 2002, 2006

Candidate, United States Congress, 1988

Monday, June 10, 2024


Poems of the Burger

 Did I love CraigA's poem? I did, and not just for the saucy Boston vernacular:

Runin’ on Dunkin:
Lovin’ a regulah coffee
And blueberry muffin.

And I am 100% with Kitty:

Nothing better than
The Peanut Buster Parfait
Off to Dairy Queen.

Christine, meanwhile, brings the Midwest to the table:

Ate at The Red Barn
Or Burger Chef on Friday
Nites as a fam-ly

Fastfood in the Pointes
Didn't exist aside from a
a Jack-in-the Box.

Anonymous presents a horrible dilemma (but not as bad as the medievalist's, which was too gross to reprint):

Eat for EVERY meal --
Taco Bell or Dairy Queen
What is your answer?

Jill Scoggins is thinking about Jack-in-the-Box, too:

Cheap tacos at Jack
In the Box, then we'd make
the drag all night long.

IPLawGuy sticks with the classic:

Childhood special treat
McDonalds burger and fries
Staple for many.

And Desiree, that stinks!:

Heart broken at the
local Mickey D’s. Boo hoo!
Shake machine is down.

Sunday, June 09, 2024


Sunday Reflection: The Family We Choose

In the book of Mark, Chapter 3, we read this:

Then his mother and his brothers came; and standing outside, they sent to him and called him. A crowd was sitting around him; and they said to him, “Your mother and your brothers and sisters are outside, asking for you.” And he replied, “Who are my mother and my brothers?” And looking at those who sat around him, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.”

It's kind of a confounding teaching, especially for people who view Christianity and the nuclear family as intrinsically tied together.  In fact, I often used this passage in prosecuting Jesus back when we were doing The Trial, knowing that what he said is threatening to the view we have of the family. 

But the truth is the family is only family if we make it that way, and not all families do. 

So, in this picture we see my Dad in France. He was painting outside, and a dog from the village trotted over and.... just lay down there to hang out. 

If you look at the picture, you would think it shows a guy and his beloved dog. That's just not true; my dad had no idea who that dog was! 

But there are a couple of truths there. One is that, for that moment, that dog WAS my dad's beloved pooch. And maybe that moment counts.

A second is that perhaps this is the kind of family picture we often see-- where what we see on the surface, what we assume from the image, is not really the truth. Families are complicated.

Often, people will talk about "chosen family," referring to those close to them that they aren't really related to.  But the reality is that all families, functional ones, are chosen,  even the biological ones. That's because if we don't keep choosing them, making them important in the moment, they stop being real in an important way. We all know families that aren't really families anymore, because people didn't choose to make them work.

Jesus chose his followers--- but he chose his brothers and mother, too, as became clear later in his life, even at his death (where his mother saw him return to life).  

It's all on us, and we need to choose well. 

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