Thursday, May 16, 2024


PMT: Losing interest


In the picture above, I'm talking-to someone in the cabin after dinner. And that's kinda what I want to do this summer. That, and write. And ride my bike. 

What I don't want is to spend my summer obsessively watching Trump and Biden bluster at each other. Does anyone else feel repelled by that? I know, I know... it's the most important election in the history of the world, etc. etc. (according to both sides)... but I'm just not feeling engaged.

It's not that I'm not informed, or don't know what's at stake. It's just that the prospect of months and months of these two old men acting mad all the time makes me want to do anything else but watch.

I found two weeks in FL with no tv quite delightful. A few hours of NPR including the BBC for world news was enough.

So to answer your question, turn it off. You already know what you are going to do. As I am guessing most of us who rfollow your blog.
Love that picture. :)
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