Thursday, May 30, 2024


Mercy Mayhem Thursday: Clemency for Tim Morin


Some of you might remember that back last December I had a piece in The Atlantic about clemency in Minnesota that described the case of Tim Morin, who was denied a pardon in 2019. (you can read that here).

Yesterday, as reported in the Minneapolis Star Tribune, Mr. Morin got another chance, and received a pardon. He works as a firefighter in St. Paul, and the Fire Chief there, Butch Inks, testified for him.

But that wasn't the most remarkable support he had. That would be Dan and Susan Ferber, the parents of Shawn Ferber, the victim of Morin's crime. I'm in awe of people with that level of forgiveness, and am so happy about how this worked out.


Gandhi got it right.
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