Wednesday, May 15, 2024




Does anyone really not believe in climate change at this point? I mean, there are people like Ted Cruz who are clearly faking it. But, I fear there are people who believe the people who are faking it. 

We know that the Earth is warming. Has that happened before? Sure-- the Earth has its cycles. But what is different this time is that WE are causing it. That's a terrifying thing, because we humans are terrible at stopping when we are doing something destructive. We waltz right into endless wars, we enact policies that create poverty, we pave over what shouldn't be paved over, and then keep going.

How do we change that mindset?

Research supports the idea that we don’t have to change that mindset for everyone. Education has many benefits, but behavior change isn’t necessarily a follow-up to education. One of the most effective educational strategies is using role models to model the behavior we want to see. After that, the key is lowering barriers to encourage the behavior we want to see. Example- I don’t need you to believe climate change is real while you’re installing insulation on your house. You just have to understand that you’ll save money. Another example—we don’t need a business owner to believe climate change is real, all we need to do is make it financially possible for her to incorporate green policies into business practices.
Education is great, but we can move faster toward progress if we understand the lack of connection between education and behavior.

Sadly, I think it will take massive disaster(s) to change mindsets
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