Thursday, March 21, 2024


PMT: Texas Going It's Own Way (and not in a good way)


Texas is fighting to implement-- over federal court challenge-- a new law that would allow state authorities to arrest people for illegally being in the country and then effectively deport them.
For all of the nation's history, border protection and immigration have been federal issues. Most recently, in Arizona v. United States (2012), the Supreme Court held that Arizona authorities could not arrest people for immigration charges. That means that if Texas is allowed to do so, it will be a radical change from existing law. Of course, this Supreme Court kind of has a penchant for that.
Iowa has already decided to follow Texas' lead, and we can expect others to follow. If so, it will become a free-for-all on immigration enforcement-- and that will be very messy.

So in solidarity we should all carry and present ID. Oh wait, they aren't going to pull over my white, anglo-saxon appearing a$$. Privilege at its best.
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