Thursday, March 30, 2023


PMT: Protecting our children


There are two mindsets among us that completely baffle me:
1) People who, somehow, think it is a good idea to shoot children or people at a concert or parishioners at a church Bible study. I mean... how does that thought process, however affected by mental illness, even work? In what possible world, however twisted, is the answer to any conceivable problem "shoot random people?" 
2) Those who believe that the real threat to American kids is trans people and library books. How, in any frame of mind, could one read about what happened in Nashville-- or Uvalde, or Sandy Hook, or etc etc etc etc etc-- and come to that conclusion?  
Probably, for both of these attitudes, people are conditioned to think irrational things by stuff they find on the internet or television. At some point, though, the rest of us have to hold them accountable for this fantastically bad conclusions, and call them on it. The Nashville shooter was living with parents, but those parents didn't seem to know what was going on-- or didn't care to know. 
Terrible ideas don't kill people, but people with terrible ideas do kill people. It's gotta become more important to confront and reject terrible ideas.

Chief among "terrible ideas" is allowing ready access to weapons of mass murder.
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