Sunday, January 15, 2023
Sunday Reflection: Assessment
We humans seem to be naturally more prone to other-assessment than self-assessment. It's a tendency that seemed to cause some eye-rolls by Jesus, among others: Pay attention to the log in your own eye rather than the speck in another's; Judge not, lest ye be judged, etc.
But not judging others is only half of Jesus's instruction. The other half is to actually judge ourselves-- to actually pay attention to that log in our own eye. And we aren't always so great at that, either.
At least I'm not-- sometimes my level of self-awareness and assessment can be pretty low, and up until today I didn't even come close to self-reflection. And there is plenty to reflect upon: I don't realize when I am expecting too much of others, or not listening deeply. This past year I have had too many moments of undue judgment-- I'm finding myself slipping into disapproving of people when they don't do something the same way that I would. That's crazy-- probably their way is better than mine quite often!
So, there's my log....