Monday, November 21, 2022


Poems of the outdoors


My Dad wrote a haiku that is so true. The picture above shows why I would do this-- there is no light like that coming from those you love. Here is his poem:
Mark would go outdoors
and look in at the warmth of
our Christmas dinner.

Christine wrote, too:
Morning, late autumn,
Trees stand bare against the sky
Early light, sun rise.
As did Desiree:
Outside the classroom
Through my window, I see where
I wish I could be. 
And the Medievalist:
Long absent cool air,
And floods the space around me,
Take off my jacket.

I loved this one from Craig:
Gather morning press,
Moon and stars in late fall sky
Light the dark driveway.
And we got an intriguing anonymous entry: 
The dying sun at far
The shining star staring at her beauty
Talked to her with compassion. 

Have always loved the photo you posted. Has the feeling of a Norman Rockwell without being able to see the people. It emotes a feeling and allows one to imagine what might be happening within the subtle light.
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