Friday, November 18, 2022


Haiku Friday: Outdoors


A few nights ago I was driving home through the three inches of fresh snow we have here in Minnesota. It was stunningly beautiful. I parked and walked a bit in a neighborhood I didn't know (Minneapolis is like that-- you can just happen upon a lovely place). I didn't miss summer. But I remember it well.

Let's haiku about the outdoors; a broad category, but that makes it all the better!

Here, I will go first:

The low light at dusk
Draws me outside to soak up
Creation's colors.

Now it is your turn! Just use the 5/7/5 syllable pattern, and have some fun.


Mark would go outdoors
and look in at the warmth of
our Christmas dinner

Gather morning press,
Moon and stars in late fall sky
Light the dark driveway.

The dying sun at far
The shining star staring at her beauty
Talked to her with compassion
Morning, late autumn,
Trees stand bare against the sky
Early light, sun rise
Long absent cool air,
And floods the space around me,
Take off my jacket
Outside the classroom
Through my window, I see where
I wish I could be.
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