Thursday, May 12, 2022


The Storm

 So... I've heard from some people asking if I am ok, as the blog didn't have a new post at midnight as usual. And, yes, I am ok!

There was a huge storm that came through last night, and it knocked out the power at my house (and thus, the internet). The power just came back in the last hour.

It's fascinating how dependent we are on electricity these days. Even with gas appliances, I noticed a big difference in how my evening proceeded, especially after darkness fell. Of course, at least it wasn't in the winter, when the heat would have been effected-- a big deal in a place like Minnesota!

Downtown, there was no problem with the power because the utility lines are all underground. Which made me think... why aren't they underground everywhere?

When we built our home on NC we buried our powerlines. With our tree coverage we would lose power constantly. It also helps when we get winter weather. Aesthetically it also looks much nicer.
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