Sunday, September 20, 2020


Sunday Reflection: exhaustion

 I think a lot of people are really tired.

There is good reason, of course. 2020 has been a hell of ride, huh? A pandemic that won't go away. An economy in the tank. A degrading and depressing political season. The death of a beloved Supreme Court justice and a lot of other admirable people. Plus, for many of us, there have been other things related and unrelated to all of this. I see terrible things happening to people around me, which make my own little hardships seem like nothing.

I find that it makes me quiet.

And maybe that is good. We see that over and over in the Bible: Jesus retreats from the others, and we see him in quiet. 

Not that there is not a lot to fight for. And we all will do that. But in this moment, we probably need to be unapologetic about those moments of quiet.

The biggest thing is that there is no national program to deal with the pandemic systematically across the country, resulting in our per capita loss of life is about the largest in the world. Compliments of the president fearing that, to do his job well, he might lose some of his support for re-election.
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