Friday, September 18, 2020
Haiku Friday: Signs of Fall
In Minnesota, some signs of fall have arrived. Others have been canceled, it seems. I live close to where the high school band practices, and a sure sign of fall has been the sound of the drum line coming over the trees, followed by the brass and the rest. But not this year.
So instead I search for the perfect red leaf. I will find it and put it in the pages of a book I know that I will reread someday. And when I come across it then, I will think about the good.
So let's haiku about the signs of fall we see and hear.
Here, I will go first:
The smell of wood smoke
Aligns with first frost; It sends
Me in search of wool.
Now it is your turn! Just use the 5/7/5 syllable formula, and have some fun!