Thursday, July 30, 2020


PMT: Coronavirus etc etc etc.

What we hope is true is conflicting pretty strongly right now with what we know is true.

We hope that we won't have to suffer the effects of coronavirus anymore. We hope that we can send kids back to school and watch football and just have things be friggin' normal again.

We know, if we care to, that COVID is still raging in this country, with deaths edging over 1,000 a day and new cases plateauing at a high level-- around 60,0000 a day. 

We are going to have to choose between what we know is true and what we hope is true. We aren't always so good at that-- and that dilemma has subverted our efforts so far.

I want there to be school next month. As a teacher, I do not want to go back to teaching a bunch of postage-stamp pictures on a screen! But... reality is going to intervene, whether we want it or not. 

Yes, things aren't great on many fronts and it would be nice to get back to "normal" and, more importantly, have everyone safe and healthy (mentally and physically). But I'm going to be a bit of a Pollyanna on the education front. I think we can make the online teaching bit really effective! It's not the same as FTF, and kids definitely miss being with their friends, but I think if we go into this fall with a positive attitude and energy, the kids can still learn. Hopefully, the majority of students will find their classes interesting, but we really have to sell it. I learned something about looking at this through a different lens at graduation. We felt bad that the students had a drive-through graduation ceremony, with stops for photos, diploma, etc and a cheering section of teachers at the end of the drive. Although it was an odd ceremony, we put our all into the event. Surprisingly, many students told us that they thought their graduation was more personal and nicer than their older siblings' graduations. Hopefully, we can help students have equally positive feelings about our online classes.

Desiree-- All true! I need to keep my attitude on the good side....
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