Friday, July 31, 2020


Haiku Friday: What happens in August?

It seems like, at least in my lifetime, August can be the most surprising month. Things happen out of the blue more in August than in other months, it seems.

Of course, this whole year has been a little too much that way, hasn't it?

So let's haiku about August-- what we expect, what might surprise us, and what we wonder. Here, I will go first:

No Osler Island
This year- the border is closed.
So, wander instead?

Now it is your turn! Just use the 5/7/5 syllable pattern and have some fun!

Maybe America will
declare all out war on the
Soon kids go to school.
Mom's sad but tries to enjoy
last month of summer.
Trump steps down, August
Hello, President Mike Pence!
Trump gets TV show.
Dog days of summer,
Texas, suburb of the sun,
Time for gin tonic.
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