Tuesday, June 02, 2020


That crisis is here

A few years ago, I said that the true test of President Trump will be when he faces a crisis. My worry then was that the talent needed in those dark moments is creating unity and division and... well, that's not really his skill set.

Now we have not one but two crises-- COVID and the George Floyd killing. And, as I feared, there seems to be little effort from our national leader to bring unity as we face very stark challenges. Of course, this is an almost unbelievable set of unfortunate circumstances, but that only raises the stakes.

Now is when the president needs to stop worrying about re-election and instead worry about the success of our nation. Real leadership takes sacrifice, and part of that sacrifice has always been a willingness to go to one's political enemies in times of crisis and present a united front. Ronald Reagan did that-- it was a part of his legacy that ensured he would be well-remembered.

The events last night, though, are a chapter that suggests that division and tumult are not only our present, but our future.

He does not care about the success of our nation. He cares only of his own success. They are not related in any way. As the days shorten on his pathetic life he is still seeking the
adulation his fragile ego needs to make him feel he has worth. Good riddance to him and his grifting ilk.

All hail Ronald Reagan. He was a one in a hundred year wonder (perhaps "generational" is more defensible). Hated by so many, belittled in his time by so many more.

As for Trump, he is no RR. But, to paraphrase my favorite TV show (PTI), "Ronald Reagan is not walking through that door." We need to do better. As you intimate, George Floyd did not die because we elected Donald Trump president. COVID did not hit us because we elected Donald Trump president. You can certainly argue that Hillary Clinton would have provided much better leadership in the face of these trials and Joe Biden is exactly the kind of leader we need in the midst of our troubles (others may well dispute those assertions).

But, aside from that debate--and aside from the irrelevancy of Donald Trump or whoever happens to be President of the United States, you and I need to do better: Mark Osler and Ashley Cruseturner. We need to stand up for truth, justice, and the American promise. We need to take a deep breath and assure any of the people in our community who will listen that we carry the legacy of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther King. What can we do? Perhaps we can act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God. I am past the point of penning newspaper articles for people who already have their minds made up (not saying that you should cease). But I dedicate myself to embodying the American ideals in which I have always believed. I will do all I can do within my small world to conserve the principles of our liberal revolution. And I promise to keep going to my last dying breath whether the person for whom I voted for president wins the next election.
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