Friday, January 17, 2020


Haiku Friday: What is your pet thinking?

Heathcliff Comic Strip for January 13, 2020

Pets seem to spend a lot of time thinking. Lying on the carpet in a sunbeam, deep in thought. What the heck are they thinking about? Let's haiku about that this week.

Here, I will go first:

The leopard gecko
Is sixteen years old right now
He wants his license.

Now it is your turn! Just use the 5/7/5 syllable pattern, and have some fun....

She flushed the pheasant.
I shot and missed. It flew off.
She sat, glared at me
Unless it's herring,
Go away and let me sleep,
Sunshine in winter.
When I put on shoes
My dog starts levitating
"Going for a walk!"
Something is afoot
cats are getting suspicious
Great Dane on the way
I see that box cage
Not getting in without fight
I don't like the vet

Charlie loves the couch.
Riley used to lie there too.
They share a bed when they must.
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We begin a dance
Pre-dawn ritual
nudges me with nose

He murmurs - uhm, uhm,
Feigning sleep, roll to middle
of bed and settle

He snuggles along
my back, a gentle massage
our breathing in sync

My eyelids flutter
Change is sensed, he stares at me
An hour has past

I say morning Bear
he licks my face, eyes longing
Mom, time to feed me
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Rain means Rusty poops
in the house. He has no guilt.
"I poop where I want!"

Storms mean Rusty shakes,
whimpers. He runs to us. "Don't
desert me hoo-mans!"

Wind means Rusty lets
the breeze blow in his face. "So
many smells to smell."

Sun means Rusty lies
in its warmth, stretching, sleeping.
"This is my purpose."

Hi Mark,

I live up in the mountains/valleys region of southeastern BC, Canada, in the small city of Nelson on the Kootenay River, 30 miles before it runs into the Columbia R. a short distance north of the US border. Morgan and I don't have any pets, but we have winter resident deer in some parts around more forested areas of town. During the coldest and/or snowiest periods, I spread horse chestnuts gathered from our big, old tree onto the ground under the densest bunches of tall cedar trees on one side of our house, to keep them less covered up from certain snowfall. So those deer (and a neighbor's extroverted and old cat) are our de facto 'pets'.

I thought that what I sent you Saturday had gone through, but I must have clicked the wrong choice. Here is my haiku - surely the deer's thoughts - after the fact! Thanks for your wonderful blog, Joe

Under the cedars,
Horse chestnuts buried again......
"Stop all the snowfall"!

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