Sunday, December 22, 2019


Sunday Reflection: The travelers

Yesterday was spent on interstates.

I was driving back towards Detroit, West to East and North to South. Lots of other people were on the road, too. Some were hurrying to finish work as truckers, others were making a trek like mine, to a house full of people they love. I didn't go near an airport and I was glad for that; it is probably mayhem.

On these few days before Christmas, Joseph and Mary were traveling, too. Caesar Augustus had ordered a census, so everyone had to return to the home of their ancestors. Joseph was descended from David, who came from Bethlehem, so they had to return their. It seems that they no longer had family there; after all, they had no place to stay. 

I'm going to the place of my ancestors, I suppose, though some of them are alive and I certainly have a place to stay (though it may be on an air mattress on the floor-- it is going to be pretty crowded in there!). 

Going somewhere else has been a part of this for a very long time.

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