Friday, July 05, 2019


Haiku Friday: America!

I really would recommend going about thirty seconds into the video about to hear the start of President Trump's address yesterday, where he recalled George Washington's Continental Army taking over the airports. I'm not sure I knew about that, but there has been a lot of history uncovered over the last few years.

The United States is a wonderful place for many of us; one of many on this big Earth. Hopefully, Independence Day helped us to remember the good.

Let's haiku about that today! Here, I will go first:

USA? Someone
Get me a cheeseburger. We
Love our eccentrics.

Now it is your turn! Just use the 5/7/5 syllable formula and have some fun....

American Music
Stephen Foster and Sinatra
Chuck Berry, Springsteen
Hey, rest of the world!
We invented Oreos.
So you can stuff it.
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