Saturday, May 04, 2019


Mayor Pete-- interesting dude

Like many others, I have recently learned how to pronounce Pete Buttigieg's last name ("Boot Edge-edge)") and a handful of other things about him.

Will he be the Democratic nominee for president? It seems pretty unlikely. But, of course, at this point in the campaign it seemed pretty unlikely that Donald Trump would be the nominee of the Republicans in 2016. 

I am glad to see a Democrat talk openly and comfortably about faith. A lot of Democratic candidates and elected officials seem to have faith lives that are important to them, but few ever talk about that-- which cedes the field to Republicans and their allies like Jerry Falwell, Jr.

Of course, a lot of people would prefer that politicians never talk about religion, but that's short-sighted. Given that many Americans are still guided by faith in their values and (sometimes) their actions, if we don't talk about this we won't know the true beliefs of our public officials.

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Pete Buttigieg has a great gift of communicating and a brilliant and agile brain. He doesn't seem to dodge talking about difficult subjects including his personal beliefs. He can think on the fly and he makes sense. Pete Butigieg is the real deal. His intelligence and manner just may heal our country.

Here is a link to Trevor Noah's behind the scene interview with Pete B. I think that you can see that he has a rare gift. He can quickly form a reply to an unexpected question that will satisfy most people.
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