Saturday, September 22, 2018


The worst in us

Sigh. This just keeps getting worse. And the worst part of it is the failure to recognize the position Dr. Ford has been put in. She has nothing to gain, and she was brave to come forward. Treating her like a villain reveals some of our country's worst instincts.

Why not let there be an FBI investigation?
Why not give her a week to get ready?

What  is the rush? I don't understand that part of this.

If there is one thing I have learned in criminal law, it is that time is a friend to justice. It is rare that rushing a proceeding promotes the ultimate divulgence of truth.

My Proposed Schedule:

1. Brett Kavanaugh testifies in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee post haste (Monday, perhaps). He testifies that he did not assault Christine Blasey Ford (or any other woman ever in the history of his life); he reiterates what he has already stated: he was not at the party in question, and he did not know Christine Blasey Ford. BTW: if this is correct, he wins. If his testimony is impeached by witnesses (plural) he loses. Following Kavanaugh's brief statement he faces the murderer's row of the SenJudCom: Booker, Harris, Whitehouse, Blumenthal, and Hirono for as long as they may wave.

2. Once Christina Blasey Ford's bus arrives in Washington (presumably she can get there by Wednesday), she tells her story under oath to the SenJudCom and the nation. Senators may question her (I would recommend that the GOP senators on the committee not intervene, just let her and her friendly Democratic questioners offer into evidence what they may).

3. If there are other witnesses who come forward with information bearing on the case, the SenJudCom will hear them as well.

4. If needed, Kavanaugh may have a rebuttal.

5. Proceed to the vote.

Final Thought: While I agree that time is a friend to justice, it has also been said that justice too long deferred is justice denied. Let's find the right balance and move forward.

Evangelicals have spoken. If Kavanaugh isn't confirmed they will stay home on election day. Those whose only interest is to get elected and retain power know the desired outcome. They have instructions to hurry up, hold her down, cover her mouth and get the judge confirmed asap. This process stinks to high heaven and has nothing to do with justice for the the accuser nor the accused.

Your proposed schedule is better but implies that the Committee has predetermined the truth, and all members are disinterested in getting to the truth. Midterm elections are not a good reason for either party to rush, not to seek the truth and get justice for all parties. There must first be justice before it can be deferred.
The Judiciary Committee does not care what the truth is. They don't want to know the truth. They want to confirm Kavanaugh.
Rather I should say the party in control of the Judiciary Committee does not care what the truth is. They're the ones rushing to hold a pro forma hearing of Ford and Kavanaugh without any additional information to use in helping them ask their questions.
Thank you, John Osler. As for Silly American, my guess is you got it right the first time: the Judiciary Committee does not care about the truth. We are witnessing a partisan struggle to the death with emotions so high and investment so deep that truth, justice, and the American way appear to be casualties in this latest (maybe last) battle in the culture war.
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