Friday, May 29, 2015
Haiku Friday: Amusements!
About 30-some years ago, the entire 8th grade at Brownell Middle School celebrated the end of the school year by joining with two other schools on a jaunt to Bob-Lo Island. Bob-Lo was an amusement park that was reached by taking a ride on the Bob-Lo Boat (pictured above). The Boat featured junk food, a DJ, and dancing among other things. For 1200 8th graders, it was a pretty awesome day.
Let's haiku about amusement parks, or maybe any other amusements you might want to discuss. Here, I'll go first:
On the Bob-Lo Boat
It was fun and hot and loud;
Mostly very loud.
Now it is your turn! Make it 5 syllables/7 syllables/5 syllables, and have some fun!