Friday, January 03, 2014


Haiku Friday: Resolutions for OTHER people!

2013 is over!  Hurray!  Not that it was a total loss-- lots of good things happened.  It's not a big thing, but someone sent me a link to the Star-Tribune's most-read opinion pieces from the year, and there was something wonderful about seeing my name listed along with my most-feared law prof from 1988, Stephen Carter.

But no more looking backwards... let's look forwards, and make some resolutions!  If you feel compelled, please offer up, in haiku form, you own resolution.  Or, if you prefer, maybe you could pony up a resolution for someone else!  Here, I'll show you how that would work:

Hey, IPLawGuy!
Maybe next year you could buy
A new Camaro!

(His old one is pretty raggedy).  

Now, you take a turn!  Use the 5/7/5 syllable recipe, and make sure to do it soon, so I don't get all cranky like last week...

Stoplights, I will not
Speed like a bat outa hell,
To the red stoplight.
I will clear clutter
And not buy things that are cute
Garage sale in spring
Before you go out
Put your pajamas away
Don't be slovenly
Wear my pajamas
Everywhere! Then I won't have
To put them away!
I will buy cute things
And wear them to class, maybe
Get my nails done well?
Stay cool. You can tell
that special someone to go
to hell tomorrow.
I resolved to look
Only at Sally and not...
"Hel-lo Miss Bum Divine!"
Listen Osler--Geoff sucks!

I resolve to be
A Persian rug and approve
Whatever Geoff does! Not!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll show him divine
Bum with my gum boots up it
Kicking swiftly home.
Bitchin' Camaro!
Wonder where the Dead Milkmen
Left it at the shore.
My resolution:
Look at people when talking
Pay more attention

New resolution:
I will not point my finger
at anyone ever.
I will attempt to
be nice to the woman who
calls me Katherine
Stand up, big guy, and
take the blame--all of it.
No more duck and weave.
She should not do Face-
Book. But she will. She should not
Eat on the sofa.

But she will. And all
Those empty boxes of just
What she needed,Ebay?

Why does she even
Go there? But she will again.
Squander time.Tap-dance

The vapid minutes on
Her noggin. make it sore.One
needs Respite.She wants more.
Parents of young ones
who are impressionable
do not post, text, tweet ...

In their company,
give them attention, answer
questions, eye to eye.

He should exercise
more and play solitaire less
Maybe, some day soon....
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